Monday, March 30, 2009

Doesn't matter if we lie.

When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.

There you can be sure
you are not beyond love.

The dark will be your womb tonight.

The night will give you a horizon
further than you can see.

You must learn one thing.
The world was made to be free in.

Give up all other worlds 
except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes darkness and
the sweet confinement of you
aloneness to learn

anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.

-David Whyte, from "House of Belonging"

Lessons I learned this month:

1. Trying to be fair only gets you screwed.
2. Sometimes you have to expect that they're just not going to understand you.
3. Love's not a word you can throw out there and it'll make everything work.
4. Without the love and support of my family, I would be on the lowest rung of the ladder leading out of that stupid maze of dark and murky sewer tunnels. I would still be drowning in the cesspool of blinding deceit without them. I hope someday I'm capable and in the position to give someone the gift they've given me.

1 comment:

karen said...

Lesson #1
You should be fair when dealing with most people. Life isn't always fair, but it's important that you feel good about the way you've handled yourself. Be kind and considerate. Be fair. Sometimes, people are so wrapped up in themselves or simply have no morals and therefore, they cannot acknowledge your side of fair. Try not to deal with those people! If you must deal with these people, trying to be fair will get you screwed.

Lesson #5 Your mother will always love you more than the air she breathes.