The idea of marriage, I value very little. For the respect of my peers, of my fellow Americans, I value some. For the love and support of my family, my parents, I place infinite value.
I've decided to take on Jill's state of mind toward the marriage dementia. Marriage is a ruined institution. It's not Jesus-like or logical (morally) to deny the right to get married to anyone but I'm not personally upset if the majority of U.S. citizens wants to keep that dirty act to themselves. I can't think of one single marriage, that blissful union oathed to God to keep and protect till death do you part, go beyond 9 years.
That's not true. My aunt Linda in Arkansas and uncle Tony in Texas have been married for forever. Good for them! I've seen quite a few ways that marriages are carried out and it's obvious that it takes loads of patience and discipline and sacrifice to keep both feet in the tub, much less make it a happy marriage. I think my aunt Carmen has been married for awhile, too, but I don't how long. Their open devotion is appealing and gives me a tiny tug in my heart to get married.
So, to the person on my mind, for YOU to tell us over and over that our relationship has problems and that we're unnatural irritates me.
I've reached my limit of forgiveness. I appreciate your kindness in the beginning, however sporadic you gave it and took it away, and I promise you that I will never ban you from our lives or treat you as lowly as you've treated us. But you've made your opinions clear and, unlike Jill, I won't 'forgive and forget'. Under a million different circumstances, I would have allowed the trampling of my sanity. It's not a risk I'll take for you. I don't owe you my dignity. I owe you decency, but I'm giving a swift boot-to-the-butt to any other effort on my part.
The door is slowly closing for you. The opportunity that finally came is turning back. Do you miss the company of misery so much that you would keep inviting it back? Life has been hard, unfair and cruel, and out of your control most of the time. You have control of this and you're steering away from her.
You've permanently lost my respect. No big deal to you, I'm sure, as you must be used to that by now. When it comes to Jill, though, that might hurt. That's a problem. You can do something about that and you choose not to, that's unnatural.
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Hell trickin' ya bunny! :) I love how you stand up for me. It's sad that people can't shut there mouths and think beyond our bedroom but if that's what we have to live with I'll gladly walk with you through it.
I love you.
I am angry on your's and Jill's behalf. The denial of giving your relationship the same weight as that between a husband and wife is demeaning, and frustrating and so, so stupid. There are a lot of stupid people out there. The world is changing, but it's not nearly fast enough.
However, the devotion that I feel for Cliff doesn't really require that little piece of paper. Even without it, he'd still be my soulmate. They can never take that from you. . . . Stupid people!!!
Trust me when I tell you, that person doesnt crave or need any relationship with Jill. if jill wants to forgive and forget to help her sleep a little better at night, so be it. There is nothing unnatural in desiring to irradicate negative, lying, stealing, manipulative people in ones life. Jill has shown her true self and its hideous. by the way, youre lucky you were given even an ounce of acknowledgement once you moved out here. That person watched hard-earned money go to someone who sits and blogs and takes blurry pictures but somehow was able to sit in a fully furnished apartment, with a full tummy, a full tank of gas as well as a scuba license sans paying for it....gave you work so that the handout seemed somewhat earned yet watched you screw up, move slow costing time and money. Yet, you were brought back because it was better than dealing with jills temper tantrums and constant harrassment,that it was because you were lesbians that you were being treated this way. You DO have problems but its not because of who you choose to fuck. Its the fact that you have somehow convinced yourself that the oneous of your livelyhood is on someone else. It seems that you have never once felt the need to care for yourself monetarily, physically and even mentally. Its so much easier to blame everyone else but yourself. How dare you even incorporate a ridiculous proposition into your rant on a person that you have turned on because what, youre not getting any more money? Or is it simply they were finally honest with you? This person has
every right to disagree with your lifestyle and I think its sadistic of you and Jill to constantly push the issue. Jill knows that her family has a different perspective on her chosen lifestyle. But this isnt even the real issue. Jill is a liar and a temper tantrum throwing spoiled brat - and you are her enabler. Its a sick relationship to say the least.
No one wants your forgiveness, no one has asked for it and its mighty big of you to think that anyone would. Its laughable that you think you or your partner would be so greatly missed.
Kaitlin, my angel, the world is full of people who have no class, no morals, and are not even close to your intellectual level. I'm sure it is frustrating to deal with people who so disappoint you when you attempt to hold them to your standards. But life will be easier if you can set aside your need to find the best in others and accept that sometimes their best is simply far beneath yours.
I am so proud of you. You were born with a kind spirit and have grown into a compassionate woman. I admire your sense of loyalty to those you care about. I respect that you say what you have to say while standing firmly by what you believe to be true and right. I am so thankful you are confident enough to remain true to yourself when shallow minded people would dare to demand you be someone less.
If God had asked me to create the perfect daughter, I could not have done a better job than He did when He created you for me.
Stay strong and remember I love you forever and always.
You really have a problem Kate. One of the biggest is your family, if your mother loves you so much, then why were you molested in your own home? And if you are such an intellectual, then why can't you even hold a job. You live off Jill, when you should be trying to help, because you are a I'll admit you have a big mouth, that says a lot, but really says nothing. All I hear is a lot of nonsense and weird thoughts. Maybe you watch to many movie's, because you know nothing of life or what is really happening around you. Maybe go back to tenn. its a backwards state, with a lot of hicks who live in a fog. Be careful what you say about Jill's father, he means more to her then you think. The problem with you, is you have no real family that actually wants to help you out or even cares about you. I'm sure your mother is happy to have you gone, because it sounded like you and Jill were just a burden to her, even though Jill paid her bills. She sounds like a great individual...typical hick. Jill's father has taken care of you, gave you a job...which you just blew off because of your laziness, brought food over, when you had none, helped you with your rent, and was always there for you and Jill. And look how you repaid him. Well now that you have screwed all that up, now maybe your mom and dad will help you out....but don't hold your breath. I will promise you they will never do anything for you. I hope you learned a lesson from all this BS you started....I know you did because you are so smart...right? Good luck with life, you are going to need it, and tell Jill...I will always be there for her and probably for you, because I am the only one that cares what happens to both of you. Thank you again for your unwanted comments, and tell your mother you love her...she needs it.
Karen, my darling, I'm pleased that you posted, proudly, under your own name. I'm glad you aren't the kind to hide behind an "anonymous" label.
Not only do you know your own mind, you're well able to speak it. You're intelligent enough to use eight-sylable words when the occasion calls for it, or you can speak "shirtsleeve" English when you know that's all your poorly-educated audience is able to understand.
You have class. You know when it's best to leave your thoughts and opinions unspoken.
You have courage. When you decide not to put up with foolishness and cruelty, you take necessary steps to end it, and God help anyone who's in the path of your anger.
Kaitlin is very much like you.
I admire you both.
Kate, my love, you and I are all we will ever need to build a great life together. People will always say mean and nice things about us but it all amounts to nothing because you are I are a team. We are there for each other and we support each other and no one else is in this relationship but YOU AND I. I'm glad this happened because it showed the true nature of the people we were starting to surround ourselves with. They mean nothing. You and I know who support us and who have proven through hard times that they love us unconditionally. We have our entire life together and this will definitely be something you should print out so we can see it when we are 50 :) We are untouchable honey.
I love you always, forever, with all my heart, unconditionally.
-Your afternoon Pepsi
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