I woke up at 3 this morning, unwrapped the ice packs from my knees, went to the bathroom, stumbled back to bed and laid there. After an hour of trying, I gave up. Something about early morning hours causes my brain to be still and churning at the same time. It's excellent for the purposes of writing but harmful to my lazy nature.
The floodgates were opened. Those afternoon naps are paying off!
I used my phone as a light and scribbled down thoughts that danced through my mind. Creative advertising ideas for some future book I might never write, interesting plots, journaling the previous days events. I thought about how I could mess with my hair. I've always wanted to take a shaving to sections of it and see what kind of artistic result would come of it. I thought, what if I found a peculiar and bold freckle that I hadn't known was there before? It could be a powerful moment, learning something about yourself that you never knew. Someone else might have known it was there but there's a gigantic leap of discovery when you stumble across a realization of your own. A lot of parents don't get that.
I thought about Ellen and how she wrote two books, both hilarious and satisfying without really having a point or message. This woman's signature humor comes from her on-going sentences and topic jumping. Someone with ADHD would appreciate her work. So how did she sit down and pump out a book? Two of them! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that part of her life. I would take notes, sketches, and study her like Darwin at Galapagos Island.
Before I knew it, it was 6 and I was drained. I slept like a baby till 8 and then Jill and I got up and watched the Office.
It wasn't a slow, delicious morning - the way I prefer it - but I have few complaints today.
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Why are you wearing ice packs on your knees?
For two nights, I would go to work, crouch and kneel and lunge my way around the store, and my knees would swell up to the size of naval oranges. I'm not sure what caused the flare up but it's disappeared now. I hope.
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