Sunday, November 30, 2008

You don't have to be alone.

I've gotten my library card to the downtown Central Sacramento Library! It was so exciting. Since we went on a Sunday, we got to park on the street for free and there was a spot right in front of the library! That's a sign.

We went in and the asian guy was friendly and teasing, although we hardly understood what he said. We gleamed 83% through his chopped up English and successfully set up our accounts. Jill chose the newer library card, a nice, modern blue and green one. I chose the "old" one, a bland mocha-white card. He said there were only a few left and I was in the mood to be unique and antique.

Jill and I did only a little exploring. We chose the stairs over the elevator and hopped up to the third floor. There I found Gut Symmetries by Jeanette Winterson and Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho.

I'm reading Coelho first because I've never read anything of his. My cousin Megan likes him, though, this inspired the curiousity to see what draws her to him.

So now that I have a card and I know how to get there, I'm making a list of books. I'm scheming. I'll be taking over the world of literature, gripping both sides of the table with my hands and corrupting my head with everyone else's knowledge!

If there was ever one thing that chased away the feelings of being lost and alone, it was a good book.


Jill said...

"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously. If ya never take it seriosuly, ya never get hurt. Ya never get hurt, ya always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends."

karen said...

Good Morning Francie Nolan. I'm so glad you found the library and are expanding your mind in healthy ways. Love you.